Why Tree Care Is Just as Important as Self Care

March 18, 2019
tree care

We hear a lot of buzz these days about caring for the environment and practicing self-care. So why not combine those two things into one and practice tree care?

Taking care of your trees is an important part of keeping them healthy and happy. When they’re young, they may require a little extra TLC. Read on to learn about how to take care of young trees and why it’s important.

Why Apply Mulch

One of the best things you can do to care for your trees is apply mulch to them. This can be bark or wood chips that you apply in a layer between two and four inches deep in a several-foot area around your tree.

But why is mulch so important for a growing tree?

Mulch serves several purposes in helping young trees develop. For one thing, it insulates the soil, which helps protect your tree’s root system from extreme hot or cold temperatures. But it also helps retain water, prevent weeds from growing, prevent soil compaction, and protect from lawn mower damage.

Why Watering Is Important

This may seem like an obvious factor; we all know that plants need sunlight, good soil, and water to live. But watering, and plenty of it, is especially important for young trees just beginning to put down roots. Your trees will need regular watering for the first three years of their life, so you won’t want to water it a few times after you get it and call it quits.

You should make sure your tree gets twenty-five gallons of water every week, which is about equal to an inch and a half of rainfall. If you live somewhere where it rains a lot, that may be enough to ensure your trees get all the water they need. But if you don’t, you can drill holes in a five-gallon bucket, set it at the base of the tree, and fill it with water five days a week.

Why Protect Your Trees

The last thing you want to make sure you do for your trees is protect them from damage. This can come from lawn mowers, weed whackers, and other such lawn care tools. Young trees are especially sensitive, and even an accidental grazing with a weed whacker can spell disaster.

It’s a good idea to get a trunk guard for your young trees that will protect them from any flying debris or weed whackers. Setting up the mulch circle we mentioned earlier can also keep them out of the danger zone. And if you have deer in your area, you may want to set up barriers to keep them from demolishing your trees.

Learn More About Tree Care

Taking out a little time for tree care can do wonders for your trees and for you. It’s a good feeling to nurture something as it grows, and you’ll probably find you appreciate the time as much as your trees do.

If you’d like to get help managing your trees, visit the rest of our site at Treelex. We do pruning and planting for trees as well as stump removal and more. Contact us today to set up an appointment.

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