Info About Deep Watering from a Tree Service in Newton, MA

July 31, 2018

You’ve probably put a lot of work into the landscape of your home, so it’s important to do everything you can to care for that investment. You can keep all your trees, plants and shrubs thriving so long as you know how to take care of them.

With trees, you must understand a little bit about water management to ensure those trees, especially the younger ones, survive the dry seasons. A deep watering regimen can help you get through those hot summer days with little rainfall. But how do you know how much water your tree needs and how often it needs to be watered?

Here’s some information about the factors that determine your deep watering regimen, courtesy of a tree service in Newton, MA:

  • Species: There are some trees and plants that are native to dry climates, and others that are native to wet climates. Some are native to temperate climates, others to arid climates. You get the idea. You must adjust watering based on the tree’s species and its native environment. Some trees will require significantly more water than others based on this alone.
  • Aurogra order Evergreen or deciduous: Deciduous trees lose their leaves in the fall and stay dormant throughout the winter months. This means they do not require as much water as evergreens.
  • Irrigation efficiency: The way you deliver water to your trees can also determine how long you must water for and the amount of total water you use. Spray heads, for example, will usually deliver too much water in too short of a time frame, which can lead to runoff or evaporation. Drip irrigation systems, meanwhile, need to stay on long enough to adequately water trees and shrubs deeply.
  • Time of year: Longer daylight hours, higher temperatures and higher winds increase the amount of water used up by trees and shrubs. Therefore, you’re going to need to water more deeply and more frequently during the summer months, except in times where you get sufficient rainfall.
  • Soil density: Soil that is compact and dense is going to be more resistant to water penetrating through its layers. Other soil fill or amendments on top of the regular soil can create extra barriers against water. You may need to aerate the soil in some places to loosen it up and allow for deeper water penetration around your trees and shrubs.
  • Species compatibility: If you have other plants growing right next to your trees, make sure they’re not taking up the water your tree needs to survive. For example, Monterey pines and Juniper shrubs are highly incompatible species that should not be planted near each other.

These are just a few of the factors you’ll need to consider when developing a watering regimen for your trees. For more information, we encourage you to reach out to the experts at Treelex, a trusted tree service in Newton, MA. We look forward to working with you to keep your trees and shrubs looking beautiful all year long!

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